ICCfG Training Program

Governance & Effective Leadership


Developed by IC Centre for Governance on the request of DOPT. This module heists focus on developing leadership in public service based on personal ethics.

Specific skills that are prepared to be entitled in the participants with regard to governance and based on

  • Learning to lead starts with knowing oneself at a deeper level. 
  • The purpose of this programme is, to enhance leadership qualities and skills. and is sought to be achieved by connecting the participants to the soul of effective leadership, a space of profound creativity, peace, purity and love that is within everyone.
  • Good Governance can be attained and sustained only by administrations that can inspire their team to lead lives based on truth deep care and respect for the environment, and empathy for the citizens and other stakeholders.
  • An attempt to instill the belief that the public servant must realize the objective of his service which is serving the people. Their focus has to be on building patience, humility, and ability to listen constructively to the grievances of their stakeholders with compassion and empathy.

The programme content includes

  • Envisioning public services in the country.
  • Setting the context for Leadership in Public Service based on ethics.
  • Significance of being an authentic leader.
  • Importance of emotional quotient and conscious efforts to develop it.
  • Reflection on the original vision, the current reality and the gap
  • Tapping ones own and each other’s resources for inspiration and learning.

Pedagogy is essentially participative and use of case studies group discussions and two-way dialogue with participants is in-built Videos and inspiring songs add to the richness of the content. Integration with the inner self through introspection is key to self-development Building strong relationships based on trust, unselfishness and love are critical inputs. Integration with Nature is another component based on our behalf that ethics is governed by the law of nature.

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  • 3, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
  • New Delhi - 110057

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