Mission Karamyogi was launched by the Govt. of India to bring about a transition from the “rule based” to “role-based” governance. It was intended to invent a fresh ethics appropriate to cope with the challenges faced by civil servants in independent India to elevate themselves by discovering and redefining their “role” as servants of the people. It is intended to discover a new idiom of citizen centric governance and inculcate a fresh ethics appropriate to our own ecosystem.
Inspired by the concept of Mission Karamyogi the IC Centre for Governance has designed a 5-day training moduleon transforming the government Karamchari into thea Karamyogi, It combines the strands of inner development, citizen engagement, and ethical decision-making within the overarching context of serving the people. Each public servant has to consider himself not as an employee of the government but as an instrument for serving the people.
It also aims to bring about behavioral changes through the “nudge” theory by sharing experiences of serving civil servants who have displayed commitment innovation and achievement in raising the quality of governance through personal initiative and performing far beyond their call of duty.
This five day programme has been run for several state government with excellent feedback from the participants.