Mission Satyanishtha

A Program on "Ethics in Public Governance" 

In first of its kind event held by any government organization, the IC Centre for Governance in collaboration with the Indian Railways organized a programme on Ethics in Public Governance and Launched “Mission Satyanishtha” at National Rail Museum, New Delhi, on July 27, 2018 Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of  Railways, Coal and Corporate Affairs, administered the oath to the officers and supervisors of Indian Railways at the programme.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Piyush Goyal said People define an organization and an organization defines its people, hence, work culture has to be improved and transparency brought about, data should be displayed on public domains so as to get constructive feedbacks from the users”. He further added “Lack of interest towards work in any system, may be termed as unethical amounting to corruption”.

Earlier in the day, Sh. Ashwani Lohani, Chairman, Railway Board inaugurated the event and introduced the subject to the participants. The Senior Officers and Staff members of  Railways  also participated in the event. The event was webcast live to all Zonal, Divisional and Production Units from the National Rail  Museum.

The issue of Ethics, Integrity and probity in public life have been a matter of concern all over the government sector. In this context it is also extremely important that all railway servants adhere to impeccable conduct and integrity at all times.“Mission Satyanishtha” launched on 27th July 2018 aims at sensitizing all railway employees about the need to adhere to good ethics and to maintain high standards of integrity at work. Talks and Lectures on the subject are being organised all over the Indian Railways today for this purpose.  The objectives of the Mission are:

  1. To train every employee to understand the need and value of ethics in Personal and Public life.
  2. To deal with ethical dilemmas in life and Public Governance.
  3. To help understand the policies of Indian Railways on ethics and integrity and the employee’s role in upholding the same.
  4. To develop inner governance through tapping inner resources.

Lectures on the issue were delivered in the event by eminent personalities that include:

  1. Sh. K.V. Chowdhary, Central Vigilance Commissioner,
  2. Sh. Prabhat Kumar, IAS, Former Cabinet Secretary
  3. Sh. Mahesh Kapoor, IRTS, Former Advisor Planning Commission
  4. Sh. Shanti Narayan, IRTS, Former Member Traffic Railway Board.
  5. Sh. Anil Swarup, IAS, Former Secretary, School Education & Literacy, MHRD.
  6. Sh. Mukund B. Kashaul, IPS, Former Secretary Internal Security, MHA.
  7. Sh. Balvinder Kumar, IAS, Former Secretary, Mines.
  8. Dr. Nanditesh Nilay, Motivator.

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