ICCfG Training Program

Ethics in Public Service


This 5-day module on Ethics attempts to instill in public functionaries the critical significance of personal ethics in professionalizing and enhancing efficiency in delivery of public services for the benefit of the common man. This programme was developed in 2005 and its unique content was acknowledged by the Department of Personnel and Training by putting IC Centre for Governance on the list of institutes of excellence in providing in-service training of public functionaries from higher bureaucracy of the Central and State Governments as well as corporate executives of Public Service Undertakings and Banks.

The programme covers

  • Setting the context of ethics in public service.
  •  Looking at ethical challenges faced during service.
  • Case studies of current issues of public policy.
  • Inner governance by connecting to the inner space of profound creativity and peace that exists within each one of us.
  • Networking and relationship management.
  • Factoring environment challenges in policy formulation.

The programme is conceived to be essentially participative and the pedagogy includes sharing of case studies, group discussions and two-way dialogue with the participants. Specially designed videos and inspiring songs add value to the content. Time is also provided for nature walks and introspection to find innovative solutions through.

  1. Integration with inner self using the innovative technology of inner governance which involves introspection and listening to the inner voice for showcasing self-improvement.
  2. Integration with people with whom one interacts at home and the at workplace by building strong relationships based on trust, unselfishness, and love.
  3. Sharing of best practices by experienced practitioners of public governance to highlight the context in which ethics has to be practiced. 


Programme Schedule

Primarily, it is a five days programme but we conduct shorter programmes of 3 days, 2 days and one day as well. The 5 day programme starts on Monday and ends on Friday. The Participants are required to report one day prior to the commencement of the Training  Programme. Details are given below:

The contribution for each participant is based on the rates as approved by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT ) Government of India.


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Address : IC Centre for Governance

  • 3, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
  • New Delhi - 110057

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